sql statement help


matt shudy


I want to display some db results, i am using fp 2002 and
mysql for the db. I am trying to write a sql statement
that will display names and the sum of hours worked, then
order it by the sum of the hours, but it doesn't like the
order by sum command, any help?

This is what i wrote:
SELECT Name, SUM(Hours) FROM Hours


Matt Shudy

Thomas A. Rowe

Does MySql support the Sum statement in the way you are using it?


SELECT Name, SUM(Hours) as TotHours FROM Hours GROUP BY Name ORDER BY


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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matt shudy

I guess it doesn't... The sql statement you wrote didn't
work for me... it said there wasn't a database selected

any other ideas?


Matt Shudy

Thomas A. Rowe

What is your connection string?


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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matt shudy

i am using the fp db wizard... i was never able to get an
asp connection string that i wrote to work, so i went back
to the fp db form.

matt shudy

Thomas A. Rowe

The FP database component is only designed to work with Access or MS SQL
Server, not MySQL. Are you publish the site to a Windows based IIS web
server or a Unix/Linux server running ASP & MySQL?


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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matt shudy

it looks like my server uses a unix/linux server... here
is my servers website http://meccahosting.us/hosting/ . I
do have a few different tables that use the fp wizard to
display the db results, and they work well.. i had to
install a mysql driver before i could select the mysql
option for a db connection in fp.

matt shudy

Thomas A. Rowe

Ok, since you have done this, then copy one of the existing connection
string and SQL statement and then modify to work with your new database


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

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MS KB Quick Links, etc.

matt shudy

i have no idea why it worked this time.. i tried what you
typed before the sql statement, and it worked this
time! :) i don't get it, cause i retyped it before and
everything.. oh well, thanks a bunch!

Matt Shudy

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