SQL to DCount



I have this SQL statement that I need to convert to a DCount...
This is what I have So Far...

Me.TxtMenuCount = DCount("MenuID","MenuDetails",....?)

My SQL statement...

SELECT MenuDetails.MenuID, Menus.MenuName, MenuDetails.StartDay,
MenuDetails.StartTime, MenuDetails.EndDay, MenuDetails.EndTime,
Hour([StartTime]) AS Start,
IIf([EndDay]>[StartDay],Hour([EndTime])+12,Hour([EndTime])) AS [End]
FROM MenuDetails INNER JOIN Menus ON MenuDetails.MenuID = Menus.MenuID
WHERE (((MenuDetails.StartDay)=Weekday(Now())) AND

Any help apprecited,

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

No can do what you want. DCount works with either a single table or a single
query. In your case, the query that you want to "convert" to DCount uses
multiple tables, so you cannot convert directly. You'd need to store a query
that gives the results of your posted query, and then use DCount on that


Ken said:
No can do what you want. DCount works with either a single table or a single
query. In your case, the query that you want to "convert" to DCount uses
multiple tables, so you cannot convert directly. You'd need to store a query
that gives the results of your posted query, and then use DCount on that
Thanks Ken, Is there any chance of using that SQL code with maybe a
Count(*) line added it to pass the count to a textbox?

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