SQL to group data in columns


Ron H

I have a table with test, scan, point, and data fields.

for each test there are many scans and for each scan there are a many
predefined points. (always the same number of points). There is 1 piece of
data for each predefined point in each scan in each test.


I need to write a query that returns a column of data for each scan sorted
by point.

Point Scan 1 Scan 2 Scan n
1 29.0 28.7 30.0
2 30.1 29.5 30.1
3 28.7 29.4 29.9
240 26.9 28.6 30.3

If I use subqueries to define columns, they only return a single row.... How
can I do this?

Ron H.

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Ron H

Thanks for the tip. I used the wizard and generated the folowing SQL
staement. It returns a table with the correct number of rows and columns and
with the correct row headings but no column headings OR data! What did I

TRANSFORM Var(ScanData.Data) AS VarOfData
SELECT ScanData.Point
FROM ScanData
GROUP BY ScanData.Point
PIVOT ScanData.Scan;

Ron H.

Lynn Trapp said:
You probably need to use a Crosstab query for this.

Lynn Trapp
MS Access MVP
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Duane Hookom

What are typical values in your table? Did you really want the "Var" of the
value or do you want Avg or Min or Max or First?

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