Steve G
Hi Using the ASP text below I get the following error message. Any help
would be appreciated.
I'm using FP2002 to an IIS server. Using the DRW creates problems in other
areas, so I reverted to ASP.
Thanks, Steve G.
'====== ASP code to create the SQL to Update the target record=========
SQL = "Update extra (GNUM,GDATE,Ref,name,jersey,team,type,detail) VALUES
('" & _
Session("sGNUM") & "','" &_
Session("sGDATE") & "','" &_
Session("sRef") & "','" &_
Request.Form("Name") & "','" &_
Request.Form("JerseyNum")& "','" &_
Request.Form("Team") & "','" &_
Request.Form("R1") & "','" &_
Request.Form("Detail") & "')" &_
" where id ='" & uid & "'"
=====response.write sql ==== debug stmt that gives me this (which looks
OK - I think):
Update extra (GNUM,GDATE,Ref,name,jersey,team,type,detail) VALUES
('1244','1/1/10','Any Name','John Doe','02','Home Team','Ejection','Delay
Restart') where id ='711'
=====Conn.Execute(sql) ====gives me this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/members/GameRpt/EditCard2.asp, line 29
would be appreciated.
I'm using FP2002 to an IIS server. Using the DRW creates problems in other
areas, so I reverted to ASP.
Thanks, Steve G.
'====== ASP code to create the SQL to Update the target record=========
SQL = "Update extra (GNUM,GDATE,Ref,name,jersey,team,type,detail) VALUES
('" & _
Session("sGNUM") & "','" &_
Session("sGDATE") & "','" &_
Session("sRef") & "','" &_
Request.Form("Name") & "','" &_
Request.Form("JerseyNum")& "','" &_
Request.Form("Team") & "','" &_
Request.Form("R1") & "','" &_
Request.Form("Detail") & "')" &_
" where id ='" & uid & "'"
=====response.write sql ==== debug stmt that gives me this (which looks
OK - I think):
Update extra (GNUM,GDATE,Ref,name,jersey,team,type,detail) VALUES
('1244','1/1/10','Any Name','John Doe','02','Home Team','Ejection','Delay
Restart') where id ='711'
=====Conn.Execute(sql) ====gives me this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/members/GameRpt/EditCard2.asp, line 29