
I have my database on an external server.
If I would like to access the database report pages over the internet a
message box appears telling me that it could not find the data provider. The
pages are shown just without any data.
Someone told me that I have to change the SQL statement. If that is correct
can someone tell me how to do that so that the data is shown on my pages?
The database is on my ftp for www.bellfield-barna.com.

The SQL for my page looks as follows:
SELECT [Total Balance without open Position Query].[Customer ID:], [Total
Balance without open Position Query].[Bellfield Product:], [Total Balance
without open Position Query].[Initial Investment:], [Total Balance without
open Position Query].[Guaranteed equity], [Total Balance without open
Position Query].[Month starting balance:], [Total Balance without open
Position Query].[Sum Of Contract Value], [Total Balance without open Position
Query].Commission, [Total Balance without open Position Query].[Management
fee], [Total Balance without open Position Query].[Incentive fee], [Total
Balance without open Position Query].[Electronic fee:], [Total Balance
without open Position Query].VAT, [Total Balance without open Position
Query].[Adjustment:], [Total Balance without open Position Query].[Net
liquidation balance], [Open Orders Total Value Query].[Sum Of Open P & L],
[Open Orders Total Value Query].[Sum Of Initial Margin requirement], [Open
Orders Total Value Query].[Sum Of Maintenance Margin requirement], [Net
liquidation balance]+[Sum Of Open P & L]+[Sum Of Initial Margin
requirement]+[Sum Of Maintenance Margin requirement] AS [Open trade balance],
Date() AS BalanceTransferDate
FROM [Total Balance without open Position Query] INNER JOIN [Open Orders
Total Value Query] ON [Total Balance without open Position Query].[Customer
ID:] = [Open Orders Total Value Query].[Customer ID:]
WHERE ((([Total Balance without open Position Query].[Customer
Please , urgent help needed.
Thank you very much in advance

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