SSL and FP Forms



After extensive effort I need some help. Situation:

Using FP forms you can make pretty nice input forms then
an associated confirmation page that will import the
content of the form.

Customers started complaining that they do not want to
input personal data (especially CC numbers)in non secure

Attempt that failed:

I contacted my host who provided me with the path to the
secure host but soon discovered there appears to be no
way of pointing the FP form to use the secure host. FP
appears to be a modified version of FormMail.

To get around this I changed the Send to option to other,
(custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP script) then deleted
the current web-bot code and restarted. Using the other
option you can enter the desired fields including
required fields and the secure server path as you need to.

New Problem:

Using this option you are using Formmail from the host,
which only provides for (upon successful entry)
redirecting to another html page but formmail has no way,
(that I can find) to import the contents of the form in a
confirmation page like FP does

I really need both, secure mode and the forms data in the
confirmation page.

Is there a way I can use FP's forms and great features
but tell FP to call the form page through my secure

If not is there a way that anyone has found that allows
you to import the form contents of a formmail page into
another html page.


Thomas A. Rowe

When using a Shared SSL certificate, the host must have the FP extensions also on the server with
the SSL, if users need to use FP Forms.

Otherwise you have two options...

1. Purchase your own SSL Certificate and have the host apply it to your entire domain.

2. Use PHP, ASP, etc. to process the form, which depending on what is supported by the host.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Sorry pretty new to this SSL form stuff and am a little
confused. You said:
1. If I buy my own SSL certificate and the host applies
it, doesn't that make the complete site secure creating
overhead? Host said they can "set me up with a dedicated
SSL" is that the same?

2. Host supports PHP, how does PHP play with FP 2003 and
the forms it creates? Can you point me in a direction to
look for what at I need?

Like I said, newbie here to SSL forms, know what I need
but not how to do it.

-----Original Message-----
When using a Shared SSL certificate, the host must have
the FP extensions also on the server with
the SSL, if users need to use FP Forms.

Otherwise you have two options...

1. Purchase your own SSL Certificate and have the host
apply it to your entire domain.
2. Use PHP, ASP, etc. to process the form, which
depending on what is supported by the host.

Thomas A. Rowe

See inline below.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

norm said:
Sorry pretty new to this SSL form stuff and am a little
confused. You said:
1. If I buy my own SSL certificate and the host applies
it, doesn't that make the complete site secure creating
overhead? Host said they can "set me up with a dedicated
SSL" is that the same?
No, as you only go into SSL mode when you access a page via https and a dedicated SSL is the same
thing as I was referring to by buying your own.
2. Host supports PHP, how does PHP play with FP 2003 and
the forms it creates? Can you point me in a direction to
look for what at I need?
You can use FP to create the forms, then you would have to custom write a form handler to process
the form data. I only work with ASP and Windows IIS servers, so I can not help with PHP. As for FP
working PHP, it can be done.

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