SSL used for Forum Submitted to E-mail



I used frontpage to create a forum that submits the info to an E-mail
address. Is there a way to protect that information with a SSL
certification? I know it is mostly used for E commerce transaction
protection, but I want to see if I can use it in this case.


You can't.

SSL will protect the data from the user -> server part. But the server ->
email server -> email server -> email program part will still be in plain

So, don't bother using SSL at all if you are going to email the results.

You don't know enough about this stuff to be doing ANYTHING securely. Hire
a professional.

Mike Mueller

.._.. said:
You can't.

SSL will protect the data from the user -> server part. But the server ->
email server -> email server -> email program part will still be in plain

So, don't bother using SSL at all if you are going to email the results.

You don't know enough about this stuff to be doing ANYTHING securely.
Hire a professional.

Oh, but you can

You are correct that SSL will protect the data from the client to the web
server, but then it depends on the host enviroment. Both CDOSYS and .Net
support the generation and encryption of email using SSL, and if you are
using the same server or a server on the same Private IP there will never be
a plain text rendition of the email available to the public.

Mike Mueller

TonnyD said:
I used frontpage to create a forum that submits the info to an E-mail
address. Is there a way to protect that information with a SSL
certification? I know it is mostly used for E commerce transaction
protection, but I want to see if I can use it in this case.

If you are using the out-of-box FrontPage email component, you cannot.

If you are using server side scripting, it may be possible to do this. You
would obviously need an SSL email certificate to do this though


You can't. As in, "you the guy that posted mumbling about a frontpage forum
and sending email from it with clearly no experience setting up a server or
administering one".

Not, you'll can't.

I could replace the head gaskets on my car to, but it sure as **** isn' ta
good idea for a noob like me to do that.

Perl and PGP are far simpler are far simpler to use for emailed form data
than any crap MS has come up with so far. OP isn't going to use those

What he needs to do, is get someone who knows what the heck is going on to
design the process for him. Or he's just another identity-theft source
waiting to happen.

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