Stacked column-chart Excel 2007




I often use stacked column-chart in Excel 2007. I normally show the data
labels in the chart. Usually I have 2 or 3 data-series. Is it possible to
show the accumulated value at the top of each column/bar? If one series
shows 10 and the other one shows 30, then I want to show the accumulated
vaule 40 at the top of the bar. This is not a big issue, but I wonder if
there is possible to show the accumulated value at the top. My boss will be
very satisfied if this is possible ;-)


Atri said:

I often use stacked column-chart in Excel 2007. I normally show the data
labels in the chart. Usually I have 2 or 3 data-series. Is it possible to
show the accumulated value at the top of each column/bar? If one series
shows 10 and the other one shows 30, then I want to show the accumulated
vaule 40 at the top of the bar. This is not a big issue, but I wonder if
there is possible to show the accumulated value at the top. My boss will be
very satisfied if this is possible ;-)

One way:

Add a total column (assuming your series are in columns) to compute the
total for the category. Add this as a new series to your chart. If you
did this correctly the total bars will stack on top of the others, thus
doubling the height.

Now set the properties of the total series such that:
-it uses the secondary x-axis
-fill and line are "none"
-data labels are turned on

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