My table consists of: First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Address, City,
State, Zip, Country, E-mail Work, E-mail Personal, Date of Birth, Title (Drop
down list of Coord, Admin, Instructor, Secretary), Active/Purged (Drop down
list Active, Purged), Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Program Name (Drop down list
of programs we have), Term Name, Term Length, Certification/Licensure/Degree
(Drop down list: HS Diploma, Associate, Bach, Mast, PhD), College/Univ, Date
of Completion, Date License Rcvd, Type of Permit (Drop down list of Permits
used), Permit Code, Type of License (Drop down list: Post-Secondary &
Secondary), License #, Year License Expires, Date of Hire, Step, Class,
Current Pay Rate, SS#, Emergency Contact Name, Phone #1, Phone #2,
Relationship, Physican Name, Physician Phone Number, Hospital
Name.............NOW including all the above for each Staff Member, we need
to keep track of Yearly dates of Fingerprinting, Evaluations and who they
were completed by, Pay Rate as of (DATE) and (AMT), Time Sheet Hrs Wrkd by
listing of Paydays and hours wrkd for each Payday such as 4-JUL-2008 25 hrs,
18-JUL-2008 36 hrs, 1-AUG-2008 34 hrs, 15-AUG-2008 29 hrs,
etc............then we run into some staff works in more than one Program so
therefore we have multiple time sheets (per program) for the same person.
Example: Tracy teaches computer classes to PN program, Elect program, NA
program, Diesel program. Debi teaches CPR to all programs plus teaches NA
full time so some paydays Debi may have only one time sheet and others she
may have 3 or 4 time sheets per payday........
FYI: It has been at least 4 yrs since I have worked with Access, however, I
have picked up on creating this table, doing drop down list, calendars,
attachments, etc, on this data base I'm trying to create,,,,,just having
problems on the multiple(s).......I feel like I'm picking it up like riding a
bike....but I'm falling quite a bit.....need your help. Actually any help
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Cindy
I hope this explains what I'm trying to do. If I need to send more let me