So, the help file for PivotSelect says...
expression.PivotSelect(Name, Mode, UseStandardName)
Name Required String. The selection, in standard PivotTable report
selection format.
Does anyone have an idea what standard PivotTable report selection
format is? It apparently involves brackets. This is the example:
This example selects all date labels in the first PivotTable report on
worksheet one.
Worksheets(1).PivotTables(1).PivotSelect "date[All]", xlLabelOnly
expression.PivotSelect(Name, Mode, UseStandardName)
Name Required String. The selection, in standard PivotTable report
selection format.
Does anyone have an idea what standard PivotTable report selection
format is? It apparently involves brackets. This is the example:
This example selects all date labels in the first PivotTable report on
worksheet one.
Worksheets(1).PivotTables(1).PivotSelect "date[All]", xlLabelOnly