Standardising Word 2007 in an organisation


Andrea Jones

I'm trying to 'lock down' Word 2007 styles etc so that the company's
documents all use the same layout. I'd like everyone to start with the same
normal.dotx/normal.dotm, is there any way to do this other than copying the
file to each user's startup folder? Also, what's the best way of making the
organisation's standard building blocks/quick parts and themes available to
everyone for ALL documents (not just particular templates), can you do this
without having to put them in each user's Building Blocks or Document Themes

Any ideas gratefully received.

A Jones

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Lock down the styles in corporate templates if you must, and make it
mandatory for everyone to use them, but please do not try to lock down
Normal.dotm, which is intended to be an individual user's personal
scratchpad. Admittedly, much less customization is possible (or at least
easy) in Word 2007 than in previous versions, but users should be able to
add buttons to the QAT, define ad hoc styles, save AutoText entries, etc.

Andrea Jones

The point is, if someone's creating a new blank document rather than opening
a workgroup template then it seems difficult to make them able to access a
Quick Style which you may have created for use in the other templates. The
same with building blocks, it's fine storing them within workgroup templates
but I would like there to be a way of making every user's normal Word
installation give them the company's corporate building blocks without them
opening a corporate template. Is there any way to do this other than setting
each user's profile to contain specially-created building blocks and normal
template files?


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