Southern at Heart
What I want to end up with is two Windows tiled vertically, the first taking
up 25% of the screen width on the left, and the second using the 75% of the
screen width on the right
Is there a way to factor in the start bar if someone has it on the right or
left side so that both windows will still get 25% & 75% of the usable screen
....This tiles the first one, but it doesn't take into account the start bar...
lngHorizontal = System.HorizontalResolution
lngVertical = System.VerticalResolution
Application.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
Application.Move Left:=0.2 * lngHorizontal, Top:=0 'Resize the page
Application.Resize Width:=(lngHorizontal * 0.55), Height:=lngVertical * 0.72
up 25% of the screen width on the left, and the second using the 75% of the
screen width on the right
Is there a way to factor in the start bar if someone has it on the right or
left side so that both windows will still get 25% & 75% of the usable screen
....This tiles the first one, but it doesn't take into account the start bar...
lngHorizontal = System.HorizontalResolution
lngVertical = System.VerticalResolution
Application.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
Application.Move Left:=0.2 * lngHorizontal, Top:=0 'Resize the page
Application.Resize Width:=(lngHorizontal * 0.55), Height:=lngVertical * 0.72