Start date Project 98



All of my projects are identical in process and tinming. I will have between
20 to 50 projects active at any given time in various stages of completion. I
have created a template project file where my process is mapped out - to be
used for any new project coming in. Each projcect has it's individual file
and is inserted into a master file.
I open the template file, create a new project and file name, and attempt to
revise the start date to the current date but none of the successive steps
change in relation to the start. All steps are dependant to a predecessor and
are linked to the start date.
What am I missing or doing wrong?

Mike Glen

Hi Docschmo ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Try Tools/Macro/Macros... and select Adjust_Dates/Run.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Thanks Mike. Works exactly as you described and as I needed. Really
appreciate your assistance.

Steve House [Project MVP]

While the "adjust dates" macro is the immediate solution, I'd be concerned
about just why the dates weren't getting updated without adding that step.
Did you have any actual progress posted into the plan when you made it into
a template? Did you by any chance have any Finish No Later Than or Must
Finish On constraints on any tasks? Whjen you cahnged the start date, did
you chenge the Project Start Date field on the Project Information page in
the menu or did you type a date for the Project Start task into the Start
column of the Gantt Chart? If the plan has no constraints that prevent
tasks from moving later than a particular date and has no actuals posted
that lock the start of certain tasks to any specific dates, changing your
new file's Project Start Date to something later than that of the template
should cause all the tasks to move accordingly without resorting to the
adjust dates macro.

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