Start Macro after user selects a choice from a pick list



Can anyone help me develop a process for starting a macro, or sending a user
to different parts of a spreadsheet, after a user on a form selects a choice
from a pick list.

Here is the situation:
The user is completing a spreadsheet with multiple choices. The user must
make these selections using a series of pick lists nobody can spell these
days! Depending on the choice of the user, they will need to complete
different parts of the spreadsheet. For example:
Do you want apples, oranges, pairs, bananas, etc? They select one. If the
answer is apple, they then need to answer: Type of apple from another pick
list; then color from yet another pick list, then where grow etc!

My programming skills are remedial at best! This seems very simple,
however, I can’t seem to find a solution so any help would be appreciated
greatly! Thanks!


Gord: Thanks for the help. I got it, used it from the example spreadsheets!
Can you help me with a similar problem? How would I start a macro /
procedure to send the user to different parts of a spreadsheet, after a user
checks a yes or no in a cell after a question?

Here is the situation:
The user is completing a very long spreadsheet. The user must answer yes or
no to several questions. Depending on the choice of the user, they will need
to complete different parts of the spreadsheet. For example: Question 46:
Do you have a flat roof? Two cells are set aside for each choice: Yes or No.
If the answer is yes then they will need to go to and answer question 55.
If they answer no, they must answer Question 47 is “Do you have an attic with
a crawl space?†Again Yes or No. If they answer Yes or No the user must
answer different questions etc. The problem is, that I have users at remote
sites filling the data in and they just answer all the questions, regardless
of the instructions, and that results in incorrect calculations! It takes
too much time to go back and fix their data, if I can!

Any help would be appreciated greatly! Thanks!

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