Start-up Form


S Jackson

I have a form I designed as the start-up form for the db. It says stuff
like, this is the property of . . . . Unauthorized reproduction. . . etc.
The user then clicks a "NEXT" button to proceed.

Question: Is there a way that a user can click something that says "Do Not
Notify Me Again" or something to that affect so that the next time they open
the db, it will skip this startup form?

Me thinks the answer will involve very complicated vb script that will be
beyond my understanding.

Any workarounds out there?

S. Jackson

Jeff Conrad


Sure, this can be done pretty easily.
However, if you have implemented full blown Access User Level Security it
gets complicated.

Take a look at the sample Northwinds database that comes with Access.
When you open the database the Startup form is first to open.
There is a checkbox on the form to not show that form at startup any more.
There is a module called "Startup" that has code to change the startup form.
The code is designed to do in "English" this:

If the checkbox is checked than change the startup form to "(none)"
effectively making no startup form the next time the database is open.

Just import that module into your database, compile, and then make a slight
change to the code. Study the form code as well. Incidentally, you do NOT
need the Replica code in that module for this to work.

Feel free to come back if you have problems. Surprisingly, "I" was able to
figure this out so I'm sure I can help! Also, I added a button and code to
Accept or Decline the agreement. If they Decline, the database just closes.
In addition, I added code to stop someone from just checking the box and
then hitting Decline in the hopes of the box going away at the next startup!
Ha! Not happening!

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon

S. Jackson

Thanks Jeff!

After fiddling with it I got it to work using your suggestion.

S. Jackson

Jeff Conrad

Excellent, well done.
Do a little victory dance while no one is looking.

Glad to help,
Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon

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