start up in in specific notebook, folder and page


Jimmy Clay

I would like for OneNote to start at the same place every time I open it. As
it is now it starts up at the last page I was in when I closed it.

Is there someway that I can force it start in the same notebook, same
folder, and same page every time?

Thank you.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

You can get close - to the same Section.

Either create a Windows shortcut to the specific section (*.ONE file) you
want opened up and use that file shortcut to start OneNote, or create a
custom shortcut to a copy of the OneNote program with a specific section
name as part of the shortcut properties. Search the OneNote help file for
"OneNote startup switches" for details on how to do this.

Jimmy Clay

I got it to work. Use the [ /hyperlink "pagetarget" ] switch to do it. Do as
the instructions say, right click on the tab of the page you wish to always
show up, click on "Copy hyperlink to this page." Then past that over the
"pagetarget." That should do it. Also, there needs to be a space between
"/hyperlink" and "pagetarget."

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