Start Week settings



Hello Team,
Kindly let me know the way to set the following settings
in MSP 2007:
1. Start the week on Monday.
2. To publish the timesheet and make updates to the project plan from

Kindly update.


Hello Team,
                   Kindly let me know the way to set the following settings
in MSP 2007:
1. Start the week on Monday.
2. To publish the timesheet and make updates to the project plan from

Kindly update.

Hi there ,

Do you wish to start the physical week on a monday ?? Or do you just
wish to start the Timesheet period on a monday ?
After the resource has submitted the timesheet it goes fgor approval
(or if the resource is its own timesheet manager it will be approved
automotically). The only way that you can update the actual project
plan is by using the "import functionality" on the "my tasks" page to
import and then submit the task updates which will then update the
plan after it has been approved by the status manager.

Project updates and Timesheet updates are 2 different things - opne
goes to the reporting DB and task updates goes to the published DB
hence the fact that you cannot do the project update directly from the

Hope this helps :)

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