Starting over with appending data from one flat table to multiple relational tables.



Here I go again. I changed some things around.

Current flat table (COMPUINV) contains all fields about the computer
inventory including employees, handhelds and printers. the only unique
key in the flat table is the auto number field. this is the primary key.

I have created new tables to separate this data. Computer related info
will now be in the computers table (tblcomputers), employee names in the
employees table (tblemployees), printers in the printers table
(tblprinters) and handhelds in the handhelds table (tblhandhelds). In
each of these new tables I am using an auto number field for the primary


tblemployees contains the primary key auto number field of employeeid.
tblcomputers contains the primary key auto number field of computerid.
tblups contains the primary key auto number field of upsid.
tblsites contains the primary key auto number field of siteid.
tblprinters contains the primary key auto number of printerid
tblhandhelds contains the primary key auto number of handheldid.


from tblemployees I am using a 1 to 1 relationship by linking
tblemployees.handheldid to tblhandhelds.handheldid

From tblemployees there is also a many to many relationship through the
intermediary table. 1 to many relationship is tblemployees.employeeid to
tblintermediary.employeeid then a 1 to many from tblcomputers.computerid
to tblintermediary.computerid. This is because an employee can be
assigned to more than one computer.

Remaining relationships are:
1 to many from tblsites.siteid to tblcomputers.siteid
1 to many from tblups.upsid to tblcomputers.upsid
1 to many from tblprinters.printerid to tblcomputers.printerid

these are because the computer would be assigned to a site, ups or
printer. My thinking in another way is that these would be physically
attached to the computer and not the employee. Make since?

Now, how do I take the current flat table (COMPUINV) and append all of
the data into the new tables bur keeping the employee assigned to the
correct PC and keeping all printers, sites and ups's correctly assigned
to each other?

I hope this is clearer than my previous post.

thanks for all the help.


I was looking over post from previous suggestions to what I had posted
relating to this.and made the following changes.

Suggestion was to create the following:
fldEmplID (primary key)

fldHardID (primary key)

fldHardID (primary key)

I do have the hardware table suggested above split into one for computers,
printers, and ups as listed below. Maybe I don't need to do this???

I created the additional table (tblEmplHard) Which containd the primary keys
from all other tables. I have the primary key tblemplhardID which is an
autonumber field.

I made quesries and appended the data to each table. I used the primary
auto number field from the flat table and appended that to the auto number
field wich is the primary in all other tables. this way I have the same
number in each table. I just need to somehow get those numbers into the
additional table (tblEmplHard). this should then relate all information
back to the employees. I think. However, it won't let me append to this
table. I think I am close. Any other ideas?


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