Starting page number 1 on 8th page of document



How do I leave no page numbers on pages 1-7 of a document,
then start the number "1" on page 8?

Thanks for any help you can provide!!!


Insert your page numbering either in a header or footer
making sure you insert a section break at the bottom of
page 7.

Insert | Section Break | Next Page

Use the format page number option and select the Start at
option to select 1.



That pretty much worked, but it still put page numbers 1-7
on pages 1-7. Is there any way to get rid of those??


Suzanne S. Barnhill

In order to have a different header/footer in Section 2 from in Section 1,
you must unlink the sections. You do this by clicking the Same as Previous
button on the Header and Footer toolbar (to turn it off). If you do that
before inserting numbers in Section 2, you won't get any numbers in Section
1 to begin with. To fix the probem now, unlink the sections and then delete
the number from Section 1.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


That works fine. Now I have physical page #7, labeled as
page 1 of X. My problem is at the end of a long document,
the total number of pages is not incremented by the 6
blank page numbers at the beginning. My final page is
page 74 of 80. How can I make it page 74 of 74? Thanks.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The NumPages field always reflects the total number of pages in the
document; there's no way around this. If your document has only two sections
(Section 1 with no page numbers and Section 2 with pages 1 to 74), then you
can use the SectionPages field instead of NumPages. If you have more than
two sections, then you'll need to use a calculated field, as follows:

Page { PAGE } of { = { NUMPAGES } - 6 }

Each pair of braces must be inserted using Ctrl+F9; they can't be typed from
the keyboard (though you can use the Insert Page Number and Insert Number of
Pages buttons on the Header and Footer toolbar to insert the { PAGE } and
{ NUMPAGES } fields).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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