"Starting slide show" appears at beginning of a presentation


Jeff Gross

I would like to disable the option (if there is one) to
not show the text "starting slide show" when a
presentation slide show is started.

Any help would be appreciated.



This is a 'feature' to let presenters know that they are starting a slide

The problem is that any presenter who has clicked the little icon to start a
slide show, is already pretty sure that that is indeed what is happening.
The larger the presentation file is, the longer the informative declaration
is shown to the audience. Therefore, the more experienced presenters, who
usually put together the more complicated shows, have the message displayed
to the audience for a longer period of time. I'd have thought that it might
be better to tell the presenter on his screen, rather than tell the audience
on theirs, but .... This, by the way, is my fault. I did not take part in
the beta trials for 2002 or 2003 or I would have set MS straight on this.
I'm very sorry. Oh well.

I hope that MS allows this very helpful feature to be deactivated in one of
the upgrades/SP's.

Now, how do we get around this? There are three methods.

One -- use the projector's abilities
Some projectors will enable you to select a blank source (DVD, VCR,
Null) or freeze on a blank screen, until after the message has passed. This
is usually fine until you get busy and forget the VCR is still playing your
vacation movies instead of being blank.

Two -- minimize the effect using presentation chaining.
A very small PowerPoint presentation can be made that will load in an
eighth of a second, or so. It, in turn, can be set-up to run your main
presentation. This chained (linked) presentation does not display the
helpful text.

Three -- Using group abilities
All the experts are saying, "yeah, yeah, I know those. What's the
third?" It's simple, really. Just yell, very loud from the back of the
room, for everyone to close their eyes for a minute.

Hope this helped or, at least, made you smile,

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

This is a 'feature' to let presenters know that they are starting a slide

ROFL! That's the funniest thing I've read all day.
If your wit were any drier, we'd have to give you vermouth implants to keep
you alive. <g>

Another workaround - start your presentations with your own black slide.
One without "Hi. We're Microsoft and we think you're too bloody stupid to
know that you've clicked the button to start the show." Or words to that

Echo S

B said:
This is a 'feature' to let presenters know that they are starting a slide

LOL! I love it!
on theirs, but .... This, by the way, is my fault. I did not take part in
the beta trials for 2002 or 2003 or I would have set MS straight on this.
I'm very sorry. Oh well.

Believe me, B, we tried. We really, really tried.

The good news is that this "feature" is no more in PPT 2003. It only
took MS one version before they listened to us. <G>

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