Starting up Access



Is there any way to present the user with a switchboard
form on startup without showing close, minimize, maximize
buttons or the default menu bar on any part of the the
screen forcing them to use an Exit command button on he


Yes and no.

The built-in menu bar can be replaced with an alternative
one in "Tools/Startup...". Just change the Menu Bar
from "(default)" to an alternative of your choice.

The Control Box property (on Format tab in Properties) of
the switchboard form can be set to "No" which will prevent
the close, minimize and maximize buttons from displaying
on the switchboard form.

The "No" portion of my answer pertains to the Access
program itself. Regardless of the above, users continue
to have the option of shutting down Access itself by
either using the close button in the far upper right
corner or by Ctrl-Alt-Delete and ending the task via Task

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