Starting Word 2007 Home & Student



After using the programs for some time, Word has stopped responding. When I
try to start, it reports wwlib.dll not designed for this version of Windows
or has an error, followed by WWLIB.DLL etc.. I am using Vista Home Premium.
The Windows update is on, so I can only assume some update has corrupted it.
I tried a
Microsoft patch for wwlib.dll, but it would not load. Excel still works
fine. Office will not uninstall, and I cannot load the CD to overwrite.
Restore points also have no effect.
Can anyone offer a way forward?


Thanks Tom. Yes, I did try that (the "patch" I mentioned), but I retried
after your suggestion. I get a message back with
"The detection failed, this can be due to a corrupted installation database"
and the program goes no further. Looking for wwlib.dll, I find WWLIB.DLL in
Office12 folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office. Date modified 30/3/2007
but no information in the Version section. It is 16.5Mb.
I don't find one in lower case, yet I get two error messages on trying to
start Word, one for wwlib.dll, the second for WWLIB.DLL I don't know whether
this is significant or not. I wondered whether I could download another copy
and overwrite. Any suggestions?

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