startspan removed from webbot when page saved

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Includes were working fine sitewide, now they don't. Includes work on
pages that we have not touched recently.

Any page that we open and then save stops includes from working.
Includes do not work on any new pages we create since this problem
started yesterday. We always work live on server (rather than

I've been troubleshooting here and it appears, perhaps, a FrontPage
extensions issue?

I'm unable to get include webbot to work on test page:
The included content appears in FrontPage preview, but not when page
is viewed in browser.

An advanced FrontPage user gave me this feedback...

Somehow, the code was messed up on publishing. Let me show you the
incorrect code on the offending pages:

<!--webbot bot="Include" u-include="realestate_dwt/
include_top_buttons.htm" tag="BODY" -->
<!--webbot bot="Include" u-include="realestate_dwt/
include_bot_global.htm" tag="BODY" -->

and here is the correct code on the pages that work properly:

<!--webbot bot="Include" u-include="realestate_dwt/include_top.htm"
tag="BODY" startspan -->
<!--webbot bot="Include" u-include="realestate_dwt/
include_bot_global.htm" tag="BODY" startspan -->

Notice the difference in the two - the incorrect pages do not contain
"startspan" - which is part of the proprietary code used by FrontPage
to make these things work properly. You can't fix it by copying the
code, because this is published code, which differs from the raw code
you see on the page in HTML/Code view.

It appears to be the lack of the "startspan" that is causing the

Anyone out there have a solution for this problem?


If you are viewing the code in FrontPage code view, then "startspan"
should not be visible - if it is there is definitely an error. The code
snippets you have appear to be correct for code view, but, as you say,
not for the browser View Source.

Try opening the site and running Tools->Recalculate Hyperlinks from the
FrontPage menu.

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