Startup and Word 2003


Dick Grubb

This problem appeared suddenly, possibly after uninstalling Windows Live

Now when I open the program I get a default page with the wrong vertical
dimension (7 1/4 in instead of 11" in Print View and with the cursor on the
top line, i.e. no top margin. If I go the "Headers and Footers" I get the
correct page view that persists when I close "Headers and Footers".

I have deleted and tried to save new templates, renaming them to to no avail. I uninstalled Office 2003, reinstalled it and applied
SP3 to no avail. Help would be appreciated!

Jay Freedman

This problem appeared suddenly, possibly after uninstalling Windows Live

Now when I open the program I get a default page with the wrong vertical
dimension (7 1/4 in instead of 11" in Print View and with the cursor on the
top line, i.e. no top margin. If I go the "Headers and Footers" I get the
correct page view that persists when I close "Headers and Footers".

I have deleted and tried to save new templates, renaming them to to no avail. I uninstalled Office 2003, reinstalled it and applied
SP3 to no avail. Help would be appreciated!


Dick Grubb

Jay Freedman said:

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so all may benefit.
Thank You. You are absolutely right. What I can't figure out is how that
option became unchecked. I have never used Word in that mode and was not even
aware it existed. Now older and wiser!

Jay Freedman

Dick said:
Thank You. You are absolutely right. What I can't figure out is how
that option became unchecked. I have never used Word in that mode and
was not even aware it existed. Now older and wiser!

Probably you clicked in the space shown in Figure 4 of that article without
noticing at the time. I'm glad it's fixed now.

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