Thanks for the suggestion, Scott. That won't really help me out though since
it is probably more work that what I currently have to do.
Let me elaborate further...
1. When I start I select "Create Report Using Wizard".
2. Since I need to report on all fields i move them all over.
3. I press enter 3 times and need to change the Layout to Columnar and the
Orientation to Landscape.
4. I press enter 3 more times and it opens the report display.
5. I then press the setup key on the toolbar to poen the print setup dialoge
I need my Margins to be 1/2" (not the default 1"). This stays at /2 inch for
all databases!!! new and old not just the one that I am in at the time.
The Page tab shows that it is Landscape (because I set that earlier).
The Columns Tab defaults to with a width of 10". I need it to be 2 columns
with a width of 5". I need this all the time but these settings don't stay.
That is why I was asking if there is a way to change the defaults at Access
start-up time to change these defaults. there has to be a file somewhere (an
..ini or what ever) that controls these defaults when Access starts.
I litterally often have to change these settings, 50 times a day because I
produce an average of 50 or more reports like this.