Startup location



Is there anyway to automate the change (either in registry or word macro) in
the startup path for template (tools->options->file locations tab->startup)?
Thank you

Charles Kenyon

Yes. Record a macro doing it and edit the macro to only change the startup
Charles Kenyon

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Jay Freedman

John said:
Is there anyway to automate the change (either in registry or word
macro) in the startup path for template (tools->options->file
locations tab->startup)? Thank you

You can do it either way. In a macro, include a statement like

Options.DefaultFilePath(wdStartupPath) = "C:\MyStartupPath"

In the registry, create or modify the value of the STARTUP-PATH value under
the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Word\Options,
where <version> is 9.0 for Word 2000, 10.0 for Word 2002, or 11.0 for Word

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