ryotyankou via OfficeKB.com
How could i determine an email whether it is encrypted or signed?(draft
folder mails, Create new one and save.) I saw all available properies via
outlookspy(IMessage) but with no luck. I thought that may be messge class
should work, IPM.Note for common message, IPM.Note.SMIME for encrypt, IPM.
Note.SMIME.MultiSigned for signed and so on, but the truth is not the case, i
always get its value "IPM.Note" no matter what did you do on it.
folder mails, Create new one and save.) I saw all available properies via
outlookspy(IMessage) but with no luck. I thought that may be messge class
should work, IPM.Note for common message, IPM.Note.SMIME for encrypt, IPM.
Note.SMIME.MultiSigned for signed and so on, but the truth is not the case, i
always get its value "IPM.Note" no matter what did you do on it.