"Static" Behavior Without Static Defn


Steve Drenker

The variable "sEscRate" is behaving as if it is declared Static in the
following subroutine & function. I'm puzzled why this is. Each invocation of
the function in the sub should be passing it the variable sEscRate with a
value of 0.05. I am expecting each time TestFunc will return 1.05, not the
totalized amount?

Why is it behaving as if it were declared Static? What am I missing here?

Sub TestSub()
Dim sEscRate As Single
Dim i As Integer

sEscRate = 0.05
For i = 1 To 10
Debug.Print TestFunc(sEscRate)
Next i
End Sub

Function TestFunc(EscRate As Single) As Single
EscRate = EscRate + 1
TestFunc = EscRate
End Function

Results Results
Obtained Expected
1.05 0.05
2.05 0.05
3.05 0.05
4.05 0.05
5.05 0.05
6.05 0.05
7.05 0.05
8.05 0.05
9.05 0.05
10.05 0.05

JE McGimpsey

Steve Drenker said:
D'Oh! I figured it out. It took me a while to remember that parameters
passed to functions are by default passed "ByRef". A simple "ByVal" in the
function solves the problem:

Function TestFunc(ByVal EscRate As Single) As Single

I swear, if I stop programming in VBA for 4 or 5 months, I must forget half
of what I struggled to learn in the previous go-round. This little
brain-fade cost me a couple hours today.

This is a great reason to *always* specify byRef or byVal for arguments,
as well as typing them.

BTW - Singles are internally handled as Doubles, so there's usually no
reason not to use doubles. Same with integers/longs.

Steve Drenker

JE...single vs double, int vs long.

Old habit. 4 byte vs 8 byte, 2 vs 4 byte.

I've got 2 GB in this machine, so saving a few bytes doesn't make much

You're right about always specifying ByRef and ByVal.


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