Stationary and font problems in Outlook



I recently altered my stationary from notepad to blank - since then I have
had problems with the font in my messages.

When I attempt to send a new message, my signature and the email disclaimer
are both not in the font I have specified. I need to highlight the area and
choose black from the colour chart.

When I type in an e-mail it comes out double spaced, even though I have not
(to my knowledge) altered any settings that would alter this lay out.

However, on some e-mails, when I hit reply the layout of my reply
(iincluding signature and company information) comes out fine - as I have
chosen within the settings. But on others it does not work.

I have tried altering my fonts, signature etc but nothing changes.

Am getting sick to death of having to highlight each e-mail I send!

What is the problem with it!!??

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