Stationary main page



Can someone explain, or offer the html code that keeps the main page of your
site up and on the tool bar while searching other linked pages?

Did I explain that well enough?


Steve Easton

You need to open the "linked" pages in a new window.
Hyperlink properties > Target Frame > New window

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer

Trevor L.


I actually got some help from Steve on this problem.

I did it using frames, which many would not recommend.
I have 3 frames - the heading , the (left) side and the main. When I open
the site, there is a default main page opened. If one clicks on one of the
Internal Links on the sidebar, the main page is overwritten with another

You can see it at The key to overwriting the
main page is the target=" " parameter like this
<a href="about.html" target="index_main" >About<br>Us</a>

index_main is named in index.html

<frameset rows ="75,*">
<frame src="heading.html" scrolling="no">
<frameset cols="176,*">
<frame src="sidebar.html">
<frame src="index_main.html" name="index_main">

If target ="_blank" or "_new", the old page gets overwritten. I am uncertain
about the other options - persons such as Steve would know more. I note that
target ="_top" opens the new page but the Back key is active to your
original page, whereas with the other 2 options it is not (the close button
must be used).

Is that correct, Steve?
Trevor L.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?


The reason for using or not using frames should be based on a) your site's
needs, and b) your willingness to accept the potential problems that frames
can create for you as developer and maintainer of the site and for your
visitors as casual users of the site.

I am down on frames because I believe that they create many more problems
than they solve.
Judging from the posts here, and the kinds of problems that are described,
the kind of person most likely to elect to use frames is also the kind of
person most likely ill-prepared fo solve the ensuing problems when they
arise. If you feel a) that you understand the problems and b) that you are
prepared to handle them when they occur, and c) that you have a need to use
frames, then by all means use them.

As far as I know, the most comprehensive discussions of frames and their
potential problems can be found on these two links -

Trevor L.


Thank you kindly for your response. I am quite prepared to face and solve
any problems with frames as I have set them up. After all I just have 3
frames, one of which changes and the others remain static.

In fact I think I have sorted out most of the problems now: the target =
parameter seems to be an important key to how things work. I will have a
look at the references with interest.
Trevor L.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?


Actually, it's not you that has to face them. It's your visitors. They
cannot bookmark pages properly, they cannot print pages properly, and they
may come into your site by clicking on a link in a Google search that takes
them to a bare page with no navigation.

In my opinion, it's a mistake to use frames.

Trevor L.

Thanks, Murray

I have heard this many times, but I have also noted many websites where part
of it is stationary, e.g. a left border.

How is this achieved without frames?

In FrontPage Shared Borders repeats the code on every page, which is a waste
of storage.

Can one use includes?
If so, how and does this differ from the problems faced with frames?
Trevor L.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Thomas A. Rowe

Without Frames, you can not have a stationery sidebar menu. There is JavaScript available to float a
menu so that it is always in view.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Trevor L.

Thomas and Murray,

I would be interested to see some info on how to do it either way. With JS,
I assume it's a matter of creating a function perhaps with an
onmouseover=fnname(), but so far I have not used JS to generate whole blocks
of HTML code, only for specific tasks such as generating today's date,
preloading images (not yet sure whether that works, anyway), showing/hiding
a table and vertically aligning table cells.

I don't know how CSS would enable a sidebar to be fixed. Would it still use
Trevor L.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?


Eric Meyer had a demonstration of this on his site at one time. It's using
the position:fixed style, as I recall, which attaches it to the page
similarly to the way that background images are attached with

But I can not put my hands on it now. Besides, I think it's quite too
esoteric for all but Mozilla....

Thomas A. Rowe


Sorry I can't help, as I never used the script. I know it is out there, however I am not sure what
is the best term to used to search for it.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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