Stationary Question


Gary Learned

I am using OneNote with SP1 istalled. I just tried to create my own
stationary for the first time, and realized that I had two Phone
Message Notes sections in stationary:

Phone Message Notes
Phone Message Notes[1]

both containing the same two stationary templates. When I added my new
stationary, it went into Phone Message Notes, leading me to believe
that is really My Stationary. Is there a way I can rename that secion?


If you look in your [disk drive]:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Templates\1033\ONENOTE\Stationery, you will find the default
stationery items supplied with the application.

The stationery you create is stored in: [disk drive]:\Documents and
Settings\[your profile name]\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\My

You can work with them from there.

Microsoft MVP -- Tablet PC

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