stationary template logo help


Tom Leylan

Help :) I've searched all over the place and found dozens of almost
complete answers... all I want to do is place a logo in the top left corner
of the first page such that it prints along with my letters rather than
printing stationary in one pass and then sending those pages through the
printer again.

People have answered put the image in the header, send the image to the
background, how about a watermark, etc., etc. I don't know if they just
give out answers without trying it or they assume our settings are the same
or what is happening but it just about never works. I created a template,
looks great. I use the template, hey it's working, delete some text... oops
there goes the logo. That can't be what people are asking for when they
pose this question.

If it's difficult does somebody know of a site that outlines it? The logo
has to be placed in a particular spot on the page. It's letterhead so it
should only appear on the first page (so I don't think I want to imbed it
into a header) besides wouldn't that use up the header if we needed to use
that also? If we type text it shouldn't start pushing the graphic around
the page. If we select all and delete the stuff we typed it would be ideal
if the logo and anything else we consider part of the template remained.

I don't know enough about Word to know if it has a sense of "layers" but
generally speaking we just want a background layer that for all intents and
purposes acts like the paper. If it needs to be modified then the template
would be modified not the document based upon it.

Thanks so much for any pointers, particular to a step 1, step 2, step 3,
voila... wasn't this easier than you imagined sort of document :)

Tom Leylan

Hello... I appreciate the link but I probably wasn't clear. Maybe my
letterhead is unusual but in any case it doesn't stretch across the top of
the page. I've been able to do all things every ponter points out but that
isn't the same as the "layer" affect I'm looking for. It literally
shouldn't take up any space on the surface I write my letter on. Let me be
more clear though. Hopefully this looks like a page with a logo in the
top-right corner. Notice how far down it is? I can't waste the top 1/3 of
the paper and just start typing below the logo. The letter (the address and
salutation) fits quite comfortably in the top-left area and by the time the
paragraphs start I'm below the logo.

If I set a graphic up in that corner (header or not it doesn't matter) I can
print these pages fine. But that means I have to feed the pages back
through when I want to print the letter. That might be better but I'd like
to try to do it in one pass. I don't need Word to make certain I don't type
on top of the logo, if I want to type on the top of it that should be up.

What is happening when I put the graphic in the header is (and I could be
doing it wrong) I force it to the right corner by moving the left margin
otherwise the header stretches across the entire page. Word is definitely
not going to let me type over the empty space in the margin right? So I'm
trying to push the header to the right side. Well of course it then thinks
my paper is really narrow. I just need the header over there not the rest
of it. Again that's why I describe it as a layer. If it could be treated
as a background instead of a foreground object it insists match the rules
for the letter (margins and such) it work fine. It's trying to help too

Some postings have suggested a watermark. I obviously wouldn't want it
faded like a watermark but I think that can be set. I tried it but I can't
find a way to get it into the corner and I suspect I'm going to have trouble
getting it to not print on subsequent pages.

Am I still doing something wrong or is this just not one of the letterheads
it can handle? Is there any way to define an irregularly shaped body or to
define something called an image (which also works) but lock it into place?
I just need Word to leave it where I place the thing and quit trying to help
me out. Is there a way to define a textbox which I can type into that can
be placed on top of the page including the image?

Thanks again.

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Tom Leylan

Oh... a quick addendum. Placing an image is working pretty well. It lets
me type in the top left corner and I can type on top of the logo if I want
so I have control of the page. The problem is the image (though added to
the template) is an object and when I select all the text and delete it the
image goes with it. So this would work fine if "lock the image" was a

Can one lock objects in a template such that they cannot be removed from a
document formed using them?

Tom Leylan

Some progress but I still think it ultimately isn't going to work quite like
I'd hoped.

I filled out the image to so the logo appears in the corner of the image.
Prior to that I had cut away most of the white space. And by doing this I
can make the image a watermark. And that of course acts like a separate
layer and it can't be accidentally deleted.

Couple of small problems with it however. The watermark for no great reason
I don't think obeys the margins. This means the watermark image cannot
extend further out on a page than the area available for typing. That's a
bit odd because I can print the image very close to the edge but I surely
don't want my paragraphs wrapped at that spot.

The second problem is as I suspected, the watermark will appear on every
page and there appears to be no option to make it print on the first page
only. So close yet so far. I often wish the tools didn't try so hard to be
so smart sometimes.

If anybody has any other suggestions I'd appreciate it. Especially "I've
been trying to do this for months" in which case I'd know I should give up


Daiya Mitchell

Word does have a sense of layers, and it will do what you want.

How are you putting the logo in the file? If you are using Insert | picture,
in my browse dialog there is a checkbox for "treat pictures as separate
layer" that needs to be checked before inserting. That will allow you to
anchor the picture in the header, then drag it to wherever you want. Word
will type right over it, as it will be a separate layer. Go back to the
link to learn about First Page Headers to prevent it appearing on every page
(or to fix your existing watermark question).

Alternatively, use a borderless table, set the graphic in the right side of
the table, type the address, etc in the left side of the table.


Charles Kenyon

The following is a standard answer, because it works. Header means header,
not heading.

Take a look at: How to set up letterhead or some other document where you
want one header on the first page and a different header on other pages. This gives step-by-step
instructions. (It also has the following links)

Some other pages to look at:

Letterhead Tips and Instructions

Letterhead Textboxes and Styles tutorial

Template Basics

How to Create a Template - Part 2 - essential reading

Word "Forms" and

Word for Word Perfect Users if you are coming from a WP
environment (or even if you are not).

If you are interested in creating templates that will work with the letter
wizard or use that wizard, you should look at the chapter on Advanced
Document Formatting in Using Office 2003 (or whatever your version is),
Special Edition, by Ed Bott and Woody Leonhard. It has detailed instructions
including instructions on getting the fields you want from your Outlook
Contacts for addressing a letter. (Chapter 19 of SE Using Office 2003) You
should be able to get this through your public library or at

Finally, take a look at the letter templates that come with Word. While they
are no great shakes as letterhead, they do use styles and AutoText lists
very well. If you use the same style names that are used in those templates
in your own letterhead for the same parts of the document, you will have
better luck with using the built-in AutoText entries in Word.

Hope this helps,

Charles Kenyon

Tom, read and try the suggestions. Don't just assume they won't work. Take
them step by step.

If an image is in the header, it isn't deleted by changing the text in the

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