Status and arrows disappeared while publishing--Why?


BA Finstead

Newbie. FP2003.

I have been making many changes in my web site (with the assistance of many
in this forum--thanks). I know notice that when publishing with "FrontPage
or Sharepoint Services" the status column on the local web site part of the
screen says nothing but "Unchanged" and the Status column on the http side is
completely blank.

Formerly, when I would change file on the local web site, a blue arrow would
appear adjacent to the changed file on the local side indicating the need to
update the remote site; now no arrows on either side.

If I manually highlight a file on the left, then use the arrow in the center
between the panes, I do transfer the file successfully, although no status is
recorded. I am using the source file timestamp methodology.

Publishing from local to remote varies from quick to agonizingly slow, but
that is nothing new. I believe that my server uses FP extensions, but not
Sharepoint Services.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Stefan B Rusynko

1) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all FP Temp Files
Usually in C:\WINDOWS\Temp and %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
- in FP 2003 you need to look in the super hidden folder
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\FrontPageTempDir
2) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files
Usually in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
3) Open your remote site in FP and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks
4) Open your local site in FP and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks
5) Publish changed pages (local to remote) using the option: Determine changes by comparing source and destination sites

| Newbie. FP2003.
| I have been making many changes in my web site (with the assistance of many
| in this forum--thanks). I know notice that when publishing with "FrontPage
| or Sharepoint Services" the status column on the local web site part of the
| screen says nothing but "Unchanged" and the Status column on the http side is
| completely blank.
| Formerly, when I would change file on the local web site, a blue arrow would
| appear adjacent to the changed file on the local side indicating the need to
| update the remote site; now no arrows on either side.
| If I manually highlight a file on the left, then use the arrow in the center
| between the panes, I do transfer the file successfully, although no status is
| recorded. I am using the source file timestamp methodology.
| Publishing from local to remote varies from quick to agonizingly slow, but
| that is nothing new. I believe that my server uses FP extensions, but not
| Sharepoint Services.
| Any help is greatly appreciated.
| --
| BA Finstead

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