Status bar msg is gone


Kent McPherson

I have a spreadsheet where I enable auto filtering. When I select a
particular filter category, normally in the status bar, it says xx of yy
records selected. But this is gone in my worksheet. If I copy the entire
data set and paste it into a new worksheet in the same workbook and do the
filter, it works! The status bar is turned on. Any ideas why it doesn't
show up in this particular worksheet?

Kent McPherson

Actually, here is another data point. The work-around that is described on
the Microsoft site, i.e. turn off automatic formula calculations, works for
my situation too. The funny thing is I have no formulas on this worksheet
at all.

Gord Dibben


I also am curious.

If you wish, you could email the workbook to me.

But, if copying the data to a new sheet solves the problem why not do that and
delete the original?

Doesn't give you a reason for the problem however and that's what you are
looking for.


Kent McPherson

I found the reason. It was because of named ranges I had defined on this
worksheet. The pointers to the MS support website were very helpful!

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