I usually use status bars with For Next loops as I always
know how many loops will occur in my statement (i.e. For x
= 1 to 100 tells me there will be 100 loops).
Thus X/100 tells me my percentage completed.
However I have a For Each loop that checks cells in a Used
range of a worksheet. I am assuming that I can back out
the number of colums and rows (c*r=#cells) within the
UsedRange property to also build a status bar.
For Each cell In sh.UsedRange
Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks
know how many loops will occur in my statement (i.e. For x
= 1 to 100 tells me there will be 100 loops).
Thus X/100 tells me my percentage completed.
However I have a For Each loop that checks cells in a Used
range of a worksheet. I am assuming that I can back out
the number of colums and rows (c*r=#cells) within the
UsedRange property to also build a status bar.
For Each cell In sh.UsedRange
Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks