Status Date in Project Center View



Employees have access to Project Center however, with the number of projects
that we have going concurrently, it is impossible and impractical for a PM to
keep every project plan 100% up to date every single day.

What I'd like to do is put some sort of a status date in my Project Center
Views so that people no when the project was last updated. I know that I can
create a customer outline code but I really don't want to create a new field
for a data value that already exists.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? How did you handle it? Is there a
way to add status date to the Project Center view (I don't see it in the list
of avail fields).


Hi Jody,

Did you ever find a solution for this? I'd like to see the entered status
date as well, because it impacts the EVM calculations.

Let me know,


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