StatusBar fails to update



I am using Office 2003 on Windows XP.

Since migrating to Office 2003, the "StatusBar" does not function as intended.
In previous versions, I routinely placed something like the following in my

Application.StatusBar = "Downloading @: " & Format(Now(), "hh:mm am/pm"
<other code here>
Application.StatusBar = "Formatting..."
<other code here>
etc., etc.

This worked great since I could use the status bar as a pseudo progress
meter. I also use it to help me time my code to see where it's inefficient.

In Office 2003 however, the statusbar only updates the first time the code
is located. After that, it stays the same until the program is done. Does
anyone know why this happens and how I can force it to update whenever the
code line is encountered?

Thanks much in advance.

Ron de Bruin

Hi quartz

I test it in 2003 and it is working for me

Post a small test macro in this thread and I will test that also for you

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