Stem and Leaf Diagrams using Excel


Jean Ruch

Linda said:
Is there a way do do stem and leaf diagrams using excel
and if so how do I do this.

Hello Linda,

I'm not familiar at all with this kind of Diagram, but if I had this
homework to do, I would try at first, for a Data in A1, determine
- the leave : using the function =RIGHT(A1,1)
- the stem : through the function =LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-1)

in a second step I would sort together these two columns with priority for
the Stems in ascending order

At the last, with a macro, I would investigate the stems-Column, moving for
identical values of the stem, the corresponding leaf in the next column to
the right in the row where this value of the stem appears the first time
and delete all the rows where stems remain without leaves.

best regards


Tushar Mehta

[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.excel.charting with an
email copy to Linda.
Please use the newsgroup for further discussion.]

XL doesn't have any built-in capability, nor can I think of any easy
way to create this kind of chart. If you search google for "stem and
leaf" (including the double quotes), you'll find any number of
references on how a stem-and-leaf diagram works. They can be adapted,
though not easily, in XL. Thinking out aloud, this is possibly one of
those visual displays that is easier to create through the judicious
manipulation of worksheet contents and formatting rather than through a
'real' chart.

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Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
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