Stencils and dynamic connectors



I have 2 questions:

1 - Given an arrow (dynamic connector), how can I get the Shape
it is going out of , and the shape it is pointing to?
Shape1 -----> Shape2

2 - I need Stencils to share some common Custom Properties.
How can I make all the Shapes/Stencils/Masters (whatever you call them)
inherit these properties from somewhere instead of defining them
for each single one?

Thank you

John Marshall, MVP

All 1-d shapes (connectors) have a "Begin" and an "End". The line end can be
different for each end of the line.

You can add custom properties to the master shapes on the drawing's stencil
and the shapes on the drawing will inherit the properties. Alternatively,
you can use VBA code to add Custom properties shapes in a drawing or several

John... Visio MVP

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Thank you for your response;
Let me rephrase my question:

I want all the master shapes on the drawing's stencil to
share common properties.
How can I make them inherit these properties from somewhere
instead of defining them for each single one?


Mark Nelson [MS]

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