Stepping into Code - Access 2002



Intermittently, our Access2002 mdb will get into a funk
whereby it will not allow stepping into code. The break
points are simply ignored in all code modules. Nothing
short of coping all of the the objects to new database
shell or reconverting from the original 97 mdb seems to
help. We never saw this with Access97. We are still
using a good bit of DAO but beginning to switch code to

Any ideas what is going on here and any simplier less
time consuming ways to get stepping thru code to work
again. (Repairing and compacting doesn't work)

Dave Shuller
ProComp Software Consultants

Bruce M. Thompson

Intermittently, our Access2002 mdb will get into a funk
whereby it will not allow stepping into code. The break
points are simply ignored in all code modules. Nothing
short of coping all of the the objects to new database
shell or reconverting from the original 97 mdb seems to
help. We never saw this with Access97. We are still
using a good bit of DAO but beginning to switch code to

Any ideas what is going on here and any simplier less
time consuming ways to get stepping thru code to work
again. (Repairing and compacting doesn't work)

When this happens, goto "Tools, Startup...", and, on the resulting dialog, click
on the "Advanced>>" button and make sure that the "Allow Access Special Keys"
checkbox is checked.

Dave Shuller


The Allow Access Special Keys is checked in the
Tools/Startup - any other thoughts?

Dave Shuller

-----Original Message-----

When this happens, goto "Tools, Startup...", and, on the resulting dialog, click
on the "Advanced>>" button and make sure that
the "Allow Access Special Keys"

Bruce M. Thompson

The Allow Access Special Keys is checked in the
Tools/Startup - any other thoughts?


Try opening the database while holding down the shift key, then run your code
with your break points set. If this works, there must be something in your
startup that is interfering with the normal debugging features. If this doesn't
work, I might be missing something or your project might be suffering from some
VBA corruption (I'm not sure that this would affect the debugging features,
however) that can take place especially if you edit your code or objects
frequently. There is a "decompile" switch (available in Access 97, 2000, 2002
and, presumably, 2003) that can be used to help correct this situation, but this
is more of a "last resort" in that there is some risk to the file as described
in (so ... work with a copy
of the file). Further information is available at The procedure I
use when implementing this is as follows:

1) BACK UP YOUR MDB FILE! (I meant it the first time <g>)
2) Compact the MDB.
3) Implement the "/decompile" as described in the articles I referenced.
(Access 2000, and later, don't provide the confirmation dialog that
existed in Access 97, but the decompile will still take place.)
4) Open Access normally and compact the MDB again to clean up.
5) Compile and save.
6) Compact again before testing/using.

Post back with the results of any actions you might take so that we, too, might
benefit from the results of your efforts. Thanks.

dave shuller

Thanks much Bruce for the detailed replies and
references - we haven't had the phenomenon reoccur yet -
just waiting to try the decompile.

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