Any step by step for adding a macro into a word 2003 document?
I want to read one Bookmark A and based on this value show in another field
a default value for Bookmark B or text field. Example: The dropdown value
selected is equal to text "NYC", the default value sould be text "SOHO". How
do I get SoHo to show up in Bookmark B or text field? Then if the dropdown
value is changed to "Boise" the default value in the other field would be
default to "Idaho".
Any step by step for adding a macro into a word 2003 document?
I want to read one Bookmark A and based on this value show in another field
a default value for Bookmark B or text field. Example: The dropdown value
selected is equal to text "NYC", the default value sould be text "SOHO". How
do I get SoHo to show up in Bookmark B or text field? Then if the dropdown
value is changed to "Boise" the default value in the other field would be
default to "Idaho".