sticky keys



I'm struggling with getting StickyKeys to turn off. I pressed shift five
times, then went to the settings menu and cancelled the shortcut, noting that
it said press any two keys together to turn off sticky keys. But now I'm
stuck with sticky keys turned on and I can't get back to the settings menu to
find out what happened.

Can anyone help?


Thank you. I have initiated sticky keys more than once by holding down a key
(usually a shift key) while trying to decipher my bosses handwriting. In a
panic, I was happy to find this issue addressed, because I could not remember
how to remove the command. Your instructions leading me to control panel
showed me how my machine was set up to remove the command. All I had to do
was hold down two keys simultaneously. I don't know if this is a universal
fix, but it worked on my computer.


Tony Jollans

Thank you for posting, Linda. My own practice of accidentally hitting
certain key combinations has led me to find out how to sort out 'problems'
of my own making and I am happy to pass on my knowledge.

I particularly like that you have found this solution without posting a new
question. I have been hanging round the Word newsgroups for a few months
(and have learnt a tremendous amount from the very knowledgeable people who
freely give advice here). What I see most of all is the same (relatively
simple - to me) questions being asked again and again - and answered again
and again (sometimes by me) and I am pleased that you have searched for a
solution by yourself and have taken the time to post a message to say that
you have been helped. It is this sort of thing which makes answering
questions here gratifying to me. Thank you.


Hope you're still there coz i got a related problem and i've been searching
and asking on and off for months ... here geos.

I play a game that uses the shift key to open a comparison window and if i
hold it down too long i get kicked from the game to a window telling me if i
want to disable the sticky keys thing then click here. so i do that and
absolutely nothing happens. fair enough i go to the web and look for the
answer and they all say the same as you did so i try that but i have no
accessibility options in the control panel. back to the search and i
eventually find that there is an Accessibility wizard to be had somewhere but
not on my comp so i trawl the sites looking for clues (and of course you
can't just ask the people who made the prog. in the first place - that would
be too easy now wouldn't it ? wonderful microsoft) so do you have any ideas
on how i get to my Accessibility Options when i don't appear to have the
prog. on the computer ... is there a down load somewhere or something?




OK Try agen the last one got lost in cyber space somewhere ...

Hope you are still there Tony ...

I have been trying to turn my "sticky keys" off for ages now with out any
success at all. I've looked all over and got nowhere. My control panel does
not have Accessibility Options. I've heard there is an Accessibility Wizard
somewhere but i don't have that either, any ideas?


I am still struggling with sticky keys. I teach a computer class to
refugees from Africa. Some of them are completely illiterate in any
language, and in teaching them to do capital letters, they often hold down
the shift key too long and then I get the sticky keys. They don't cancel
when I tell them to. I have the option set up to cancel when I hold down two
keys, and this sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I usually end up
shutting the computer down and rebooting as this is the only thing that seems
to work.
So my question is; how should the sticky keys settings in accessibilty
options be configured? Is there any way to just turn them off permanently,
short of using a sledgehammer or dynamite? Help!!! This is driving me right
up my classroom wall!
tpearo, Erie, PA

Jay Freedman

To permanently shut off Sticky Keys, go into the Control Panel >
Accessibility Options dialog and click the Settings button in the Sticky
Keys area. Uncheck the "Use shortcut" box in the Settings dialog and click
OK. Make sure the "Use Sticky Keys" box in the Accessibility dialog is still
unchecked, and click OK.

You can do the same to make sure Filter Keys and Toggle Keys are also shut

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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