Still Can't Publish - Tests Fail In KB324843



I still can't publish my website from FP2000 to an ISP with FP
extensions installed. I had no problem until a couple of weeks ago.
The ISP is using FP extensions from FP2000, and have not made any
changes recently.

I have tried to follow the troubleshooting procedures in KB324843. I
can ping the server OK, but can't open the Web in FP using File/Open
and typing in the URL. I get the Authoring Disabled error message.

When trying to check the FP server extensions, I can get through Step
1, but Step 2 give me a "Cannot Open Page" error. Step 3 gives me a
"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" error. If I try to edit the site from
Internet Explorer, it opens in FP, but all the navigation is missing.

Going to another website (one I created for someone else) on the same
server I have no problem opening it. This seems to eliminate a
problem with either the ISP FP extensions, permissions, or the FP on
my computer. There appears to be something corrupted in my website
pages that prevents me from publishing. One flag is that I do not get
the Name and password required menu when trying to publish my website.
I do on the other one. Something strange is that I do not have any
..pwl files on my computer. Don't know if that means anything. Running
XP Pro.

Thomas A. Rowe

Extensions are in most case applied against individual web site, so just because they work on one
site on a server, doesn't eliminate having a problem on another site on the same server.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


OK. I will go back and arm wrestle with them again tomorrow, and tell
them what you said.

It does seem really strange that, two websites, created with the same
FP2000 on the same computer, and published to the same server, and
both of the working for several months, that now one doesn't.


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