Still getting spinning ferris wheel of of death in Entourage ( wSrv pack 2 and 11.2 update)


Kip Ruefle

I was running 10.4.2 and installed the Office 20004 Srv Pack 2 which did
address some of the issues with MS exchange intergration with previous
entourage versions but I am still getting the spinning ferris wheel of death
as well as the hangs which still makes the application unusable.

I also just upgraded to 10.4.3 and I see no difference.

I also excluded the MS user data folder from Spotlight....

I can get my mail, access personal and public calendars, get to the global
address book..from my exchange server...but I still suffer from the hangs
and spinning wheel.

Any ideas?



Hi Kip,

I also had/have this problem. I narrowed it down to 2 things.

1.) it seems to occur when Entourage is synching large folders. It
would always stall on my Sent Items and my Deleted Items folder. These
held about 10,000 emails each.

2.) these folders may have had some corrupt emails that were causing
some issues with synching

I archived these folders in Entourage and then deleted their content
through OWA (or use Outlook if you can. If you use Entourage, it will
take forever to synch the changes of large folders).

Once I did this, things have been running smoothly until today.

I'm a webmaster for some sites that send me an email if there is a
problem and I have a server-side rule to move these to a certain
folder. There was a problem on the server this weekend and I got 2500
emails to this folder.

Entourage had no problem synching the folder, but when I tried to
delete all the emails, Entourage moved them to it's deleted items
folder and then tried synching those changes with Exchange. This
hooped Entourage for about 6 hours while it tried to synch up these
items. (No, I'm not on a slow network, I have a decent network
connection to the Exchange server, it just seemed to take forever)
Constant spinning ball.

It just finished doing this synch and things seem to be back to normal,
but what a hassle.

Something about the SP2 update seems to have caused some synch issues
when handling large numbers of emails that I didn't experience before
and don't experience on a PC with Outlook.


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