Still need help Access 97 and Win XP SP1a



Can anyone point me in the right direction? Has anyone else come across this problem?

I just upgraded my Win XP Pro to SP1a. Access 97 ran fine until the upgrade. After the upgrade the following message keeps appearing when trying to print to a preview screen:

"The format specification for 'xxxxx' is invalid. You can't save output data to a file in this format until you correct the setting for the format in the Windows Registry. Run Setup to reinstall 'programme name' or, if you're familiar with the settings in the Registry, try to correct them yourself. For more information on the Registry, click Help."

This message comes up 2 - 6 times before the actual print preview screen (with report) comes up on the monitor. The 'xxxxx' varies in length and seems to be part of the report SQL and part of the actual object name. For eg: [Payroll_Group_No] shows as 'oll_Group_No]' and the object name repWklyTimeSheet shows as 'eSheet'.

Is it a setting in the Registry? If so where would i find it? (I "Reinstalled" Access 97 ... didn't have any affect) Any help or ideas would be much appreciated,

Thanks Leroy

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