Still Need Help: How to Speed up Combo Box?



Sorry about reposting my question but I've not received
any other reply since Nov 25. See my comment below. I'm
sure there must be a way to make this part "Lookup" combo
box respond faster.


The table is an extract from our order entry system that
runs each night and is stored on our network for others to
use. There is no indexing on this table and I'm not
permitted to make any changes. Is there a way of
incorporating some sort of indexing in a select
statement? I'm not using any calculated expression --
just a simple part/description lookup.

I'm very new to VB so I'm not sure what's possible at this


Rick Brandt

Jody said:
Sorry about reposting my question but I've not received
any other reply since Nov 25. See my comment below. I'm
sure there must be a way to make this part "Lookup" combo
box respond faster.

No ComboBox or ListBox should be trying to display that many rows. Most
developers when faced with a desire to use either control against a large
table will provide a way for the user to supply a portion of the entry in a
separate box and then filter the RowSource for the list to match the
partial entry. That can significantly reduce the number of rows being
pulled in and give you much better response-time.

In your case the user might not know the entire part number but they might
be able to provide the first three or four characters. The number of rows
starting with those characters might be a significantly smaller subset so
that the list is manageable.

Another option is if the list can be broken into categories and
sub-categories. Then you use a series of cascading ComboBoxes where each
entry limits the number of rows returned by the next ComboBox to entries
matching the category of the prior selection. This again can make the list
in the final ComboBox small enough to be reasonable.

Indexing would only help you if your RowSource had a WHERE clause or a
Join. Then an index on the fields used in the WHERE clause or Join would
make the query run faster. A query like "SELECT * FROM SomeTable" will not
be helped by an index.

John Vinson

Is there a way of
incorporating some sort of indexing in a select


An Index is attached to the table. Even if you could index on the fly,
though, the time spent creating the index would far outweigh the
benefit from that index.

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