Using the OWC11 Chart Control on the server side to generate the
code below.
The Problem:
How do I take the code that's generated :
<object classid="clsid:0002E55D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
<param name="XMLData" value="<xml
And reroute this object/XML into an image using ASP for use on the
Assumption is client side browsers will not have support of the Chart
People have suggested using the BinaryWrite, but in the documentation
it says by using the "Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart") object which I
am not using since the object is defined in the XML.
I've also been told to use the XMLURL param.
<param name="XMLURL" value="give_me_data.asp?abc=1111&def=2222" />
but I believe this is still expecting the client side to have the
control installed on the browser side.
I'd like to not have to write this from scratch using the APIs as that
can take an extremely long time for complex charts and also finding
very few
examples using OWC11 with .Net.
To clarify my question, if I try the following code of taking the
ChartSpace1 object from above and use 'ExportPicture' it doesn't
recognize the object from above. I know the code isn't correct, but
maybe this
might give a better idea conceptually of what I'm trying to do.
sFname = "imagename.gif"
ChartSpace1.ExportPicture server.MapPath(sFname), "gif", 600, 512
response.Write "<ing src='" & sFname & "'>"
Again, any help is greatly appreciated!
code below.
The Problem:
How do I take the code that's generated :
<object classid="clsid:0002E55D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
<param name="XMLData" value="<xml
And reroute this object/XML into an image using ASP for use on the
Assumption is client side browsers will not have support of the Chart
People have suggested using the BinaryWrite, but in the documentation
it says by using the "Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart") object which I
am not using since the object is defined in the XML.
I've also been told to use the XMLURL param.
<param name="XMLURL" value="give_me_data.asp?abc=1111&def=2222" />
but I believe this is still expecting the client side to have the
control installed on the browser side.
I'd like to not have to write this from scratch using the APIs as that
can take an extremely long time for complex charts and also finding
very few
examples using OWC11 with .Net.
To clarify my question, if I try the following code of taking the
ChartSpace1 object from above and use 'ExportPicture' it doesn't
recognize the object from above. I know the code isn't correct, but
maybe this
might give a better idea conceptually of what I'm trying to do.
sFname = "imagename.gif"
ChartSpace1.ExportPicture server.MapPath(sFname), "gif", 600, 512
response.Write "<ing src='" & sFname & "'>"
Again, any help is greatly appreciated!