Still struggling with user form



Recieved some help last week from Doug and Graham and greatly appreciate
their efforts but their solutions were over my head not having any experience
with programming. Hoping someone can take a look at this and walk me through
I can get the pull down set up with the choices and I want a line of text to
change automatically based on the pull down choice, e.g. pull down offers two
choices, Estate or Executive. When Estate is selected, a line of text would
read. "Cathedral Ceiling", when Executive is selected, it would be replaced
with "Flat Ceiling". This type of swapping of text, based on the pull down
selected would occur numerous times in the same document. Ultimately there
would be about 5-6 choices in the pull down list but lets start off slow and
if I can grasp the concept, hopefully I can fill in the rest. I've tried
Grahams tutorial using docvariables which seems a likely solution but can't
get any further than entering the docvariable field in the doument. Haven't a
clue how to set up the text triggered by the pull down.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

It makes it a lot easier for us if you do not start a new thread.

Graham and I answer tens if not hundreds of questions a week and, in my case
at least, because I do that from a number of different computers, I no not
always have access to the responses that I have provided.

If what you have is a combo box on a user form, then I would set the
ColumnCount attribute of the combo box to 2 and load the combobox with the
Estate and Excecutive in first column and the Cathedral Ceiling and Flat
Ceiling in a second column

Then you would access the data from the second column by using the
..Column(1) attribute of the combo box

If you want the data to appear in the document in multiple places, I would
set the .Value of a document variable to the .Column(1) attribute of the
combo box

With ActiveDocument
.Variables("varname").Value = [comboboxname].Column(1)
End With

and use a { DOCVARIABLE varname } field where ever you want the data to
Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

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