Still waiting for conditional text functionality



Hopefully Microsoft will see that there are enough of us out there that need
conditional text - Framemaker has had it for years. For those of us working
for smaller companies who cannot afford Frame, you'd think something this
badly needed in the Technical Communications field would be a "no brainer"
function to add.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Can you explain what you mean by "conditional text" Depending upon what it
is, it may already be possible.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Adobe is probably no longer supporting FrameMaker. The latest version
of InDesign (CS4) incorporates some more of FrameMaker's features that
were sorely lacking in InDesign -- and costs a lot more than Word.

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