I have a report that is driving me off the edge.
Here is my table layout.
tblSowingDetails >--- tblSowing >---tblGrower ---< tblSeedOrders ---<
tblSowingDetails >--- tblCropVariety --- < tblSeedOrderDetails
---< denotes the one to many relationships , where --- is the one side
and < is the many side.
Now I want to create a report that is grouped by Grower and show the
stock levels of each crop under each grower ie get the total of a
field called qtyordered in tblSeedOrderDetails and then get the total
of field called qtysown in tblSowingDetails and then find the
difference between them which will be what is left of the crop seeds
that each grower ordered and sown... with me still?..
now that is what I want it to look like (format of the report)
CropVarietyName QtyOrdered QtySown QtyLeft
eg Lettuce 100,000
50,000 50,000
I am familier with doing basic things with reports but I can not
figure out how to design queries with these setout of relationships
and getting the right totals filtered under appropriate grower and
I know there are some brilliant minds out there who can give me a
Thanks so much in advance.
Nelson, NZ
I have a report that is driving me off the edge.
Here is my table layout.
tblSowingDetails >--- tblSowing >---tblGrower ---< tblSeedOrders ---<
tblSowingDetails >--- tblCropVariety --- < tblSeedOrderDetails
---< denotes the one to many relationships , where --- is the one side
and < is the many side.
Now I want to create a report that is grouped by Grower and show the
stock levels of each crop under each grower ie get the total of a
field called qtyordered in tblSeedOrderDetails and then get the total
of field called qtysown in tblSowingDetails and then find the
difference between them which will be what is left of the crop seeds
that each grower ordered and sown... with me still?..
now that is what I want it to look like (format of the report)
CropVarietyName QtyOrdered QtySown QtyLeft
eg Lettuce 100,000
50,000 50,000
I am familier with doing basic things with reports but I can not
figure out how to design queries with these setout of relationships
and getting the right totals filtered under appropriate grower and
I know there are some brilliant minds out there who can give me a
Thanks so much in advance.
Nelson, NZ